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Boris Gibé / Les Choses de Rien company


Metaphysic circus

L'absolu is a poetic investigation deep in the psyche of beings, replacing desire at the heart of our lives in the purity of the present moment. 


All along, this project has carried the question of perception of the audience and it context. It has been the wish of Boris Gibé to work with a vertiginous structure offering a physical experience to the audience.  « Like in an anatomic theater, I wanted the performances to be seen from above, in a circular pattern, in order for the audience to be in a superior position overlooking the fate of the character on stage ». The Silo, is a circus tent made out of metal sheets, 9m diameter, 12m height and for fitting about 100 seats. Inside, around the stage, two sets of stairs spiral up reaching 4 levels, each step hosting a spectator.

In that well of imagery questioning abyss, nothingness, infinity, researches tend to lead us toward a connection between the bodies and the elements, magnetic fields, static, particles, water, fire and matter become allies on stage, carriers, a kind of interface between space and the choir /spectator. A mirror on the floor and optical illusions will be the partners for the lightings to better play with our perceptions. A flying crow in this court will embody both the judge and the executioner. High acrobatics on thought up circus equipments, as well as contortion will be put into choreography in an extreme physicality approach of the movement.



Circular in a circus tent

Duration : Triptyc of 3 x 20 min

Premiere: 2017

Dimension of your playing area : 14m high, 9m x12m + fire access


Author & Outside eye : Boris Gibé, Dramaturgy Elsa Dourdet , Choreography: Samuel Lefeuvre and Florencia Demestri, Costumes: Sandrine Rozier, Light design: Romain Delagarde, sound design: Olivier Pfeiffer...Team on board - People on tour: performer :Boris Gibé, technique team : Quentin Alart, Clara Gaybellile, Charles Bédin.



• Production : Les Choses de Rien avec l’aide de Si par Hasard • Coproductions : Boris Gibé est artiste associé aux 2 scènes - scène nationale de Besançon ; Coopérative De Rue et De Cirque - 2r2c - Paris ; Théâtre Firmin Gémier - La Piscine - Pôle National des Arts du Cirque d’Antony et de Chatenay-Malabry ; Cirque Jules Verne - Pole National Cirque et Arts de la Rue - Amiens ; Châteauvallon - scène nationale ; Espace Jean Legendre - Scène nationale de l’Oise - Compiègne • Avec le soutien : Ministère de la Culture - DRAC Ile de France (conventionnement 2015-2017) ; DGCA aide à la création cirque et aide à l’itinérance ; Conseil Régional Ile de France ; Fondation de la tour vagabonde ; Lycée Eugène Guillaume de Montbard ; SACD - Processus Cirque ; L’atelier Arts-Sciences, partenariat entre L’Hexagone scène nationale de Meylan & le CEA de Grenoble ; Ass. Beaumarchais - Bourse Auteur de Cirque • Accueils en résidences : La Gare – Marigny - le - Cahouet, CEA - Grenoble, 2r2c - Paris, Le Château de Monthelon - Montréal, Arts Printing House - Vilnius - Lituanie, Les 2 scènes - Besançon.

Convention with le Ministère de la Culture – DRAC IDF.Looking for: co-producers. We whish that the time of creation takes place as much as possible where the company has continuous residency for 3 years. This project is looking at re-inventing a self resembling production mode, making sense within the creating process.

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