When Angels Fall
Raphaëlle Boitel / Cie L'Oublié(e)
Duration 1h10 – all audiences from age 8
Creation 2018
A dystopia… imagining the future may be the best way to look at the present.
In a microcosm under heavy control,
mechanics play the role of what was once biological.
A group of men and women, survivors of a shattered world,
wander between the sky and a scorched earth, manipulated.
A disastrous world where frail humanity clings to life.
Men aspiring to fly or angels caught by something that plays at their expense ?
More than characters, symbols.
Carrying inside themselves, in their free will, in love and the beauty of letting go, t
he strength they need to change things.
What if nothing was unchangeable ?
Director and choreography Raphaëlle Boitel
Artistic collaboration, lighting, Tristan Baudoin
Original soundtrack Arthur Bison
Costumes Lilou Hérin
Rigging, machinery, set design partner Nicolas Lourdelle
Sound manager Arthur Bison
Performers Alba Faivre, Loïc Leviel, Emily Zuckerman, Lilou Hérin,
Tristan Baudoin, Nicolas Lourdelle, Clara Henry or Raphaëlle Boitel

© Marina Levitskaya
Cie L'Oublié(e) - Raphaëlle Boitel with the help of Si par Hasard
OARA, Agora PNC Boulazac Aquitaine • Le Carré Magique, PNC en Bretagne, Lannion • Le Grand T, théâtre de Loire-Atlantique, Peak Performance Montclair (USA) • Plateforme 2 pôles cirque en Normandie / La Brèche à Cherbourg • Cirque Théâtre d’Elbeuf •
Le Carré Magique, PNC en Bretagne / Lannion, Le Grand R scène nationale de la Roche-sur-Yon • Carré Colonnes in St Médard-en-Jalles and Blanquefort • Relais Culturel d’Argentan • Les 3T – scène conventionnée de Châtellerault
US Tour Partners Peak Performances at Montclair State University (NJ) • ArtsEmerson, Emerson College (MA) • Williams Center for the Arts, Lafayette College (PA)
The Cie L'Oublié(e) - Raphaëlle Boitel is subsidized by the Ministry of Culture DRAC - Nouvelle Aquitaine and in companionship with L'Agora PNC Aquitaine of Boulazac, subsidized by the region Nouvelle Aquitaine, the department of Dordogne and the city of Boulazac Isle Manoire